Saturday, May 27, 2017

MBC Picnic! Saturday, June 10th

MBC Family Picnic

Come and join us for a relaxing and fun evening under the pavilion! It’s a luau theme, so wear your Hawaiian duds (think Don Ho, or Don Owens!)

When: June 10th, Saturday

What time:  5pm to 7 pm

What to bring:  Church will provide hamburger patties and hot dogs.  Sign-up at church for a side dish, buns or hamburger toppings.

Middletown Christian School Boosters will be selling desserts for a fund raiser at the picnic.

Program:  We will have games and face painting for all as well as some music.

We have men to cook, but we could use two ice chests with ice, a set-up and clean-up crew and a canopy or 2 for shade.

Call Janice, Jennifer or Donna with questions or to sign-up!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

"And you - but God"

This day, fight to remember the gospel.

The devil will be ruthless to bring every sin to mind, but preach the gospel to your own heart: "Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures." If doubts arise and dark feelings seem ready to engulf you, claim the words of Paul: "God made [you] alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our trespasses." You are not the same person you once were. You are a new creation. You are in Christ.

I was blinded by my sin,

had no ears to hear Your voice;

did not know Your love within,

had no taste for heaven’s joys.

Then Your Spirit gave me life,

opened up Your Word to me;

through the gospel of Your Son,

gave me endless hope and peace.